If you elect to hire Dovetail for your cabinetry installation, you'll be assigned a skilled experienced installer. This installer could be a Dovetail staff member or a sub-contractor. Our installation subs have been vetted and we've worked with them for years.
Your project coordinator will assign the best installer to your project according to 1) geography, 2) type of cabinet and skill set required, and 3) availability. If your installation has to be rescheduled for any reason, it may take several days or weeks to reschedule the installer.
Clients may also work with their own installer. When that is the case, Dovetail will provide a detailed installation package for the installer.

Depending on the type of countertop you've purchased, your installers will perform different tasks. Most countertops will require a template first. After the cabinets are installed, a technician will measure the countertops. The shop will fabricate according to those measurements and another team will be back to install the countertops.

If you elect to have your products delivered by Dovetail you may see the Dovetail van or you may see our delivery partners from Charlottesville Moving Solutions rolling up your driveway. This decision will be made by your project coordinator depending on the size/scope of your project and the delivery timing.
Clients may also decide to pick up their products at the Dovetail warehouse in Charlottesville. Contact David Cupp for more information on deliveries and pick-ups.