Meet Alaina
Alaina Clarke manages Dovetail's social media and is having so much fun learning about the interior design business, cabinets, countertops, and all the bells and whistles that go with it.
Centered on entrepreneurship in the arts, Alaina spends her time as a metalsmith and business experience strategist near Detroit, MI. Her philosophy stems from an entrepreneurial mindset and believes all artists should have access to a comprehensive understanding of leadership, business, and their ability to leverage the skills and knowledge gained as an artist and be able to apply it to all professional situations in life.
Alaina earned a BFA in Metalsmithing and Jewelry and an MPA in Public Administration: Nonprofit Management and Leadership from Grand Valley State University. She is passionate about cultivating a diverse, equitable environment for all artists through education and dialogue, providing clients and students with creative problem-solving skills in an ever-evolving market.
As a coach and freelancer, she has worked with multiple organizations, The Society of North American Goldsmiths, The Furniture Society, The Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Grand Valley State University, the West Michigan Center for Arts + Technology, Frederick Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park, Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, and Living Arts; small businesses like Elaine B. Jewelry, Dovetail Design & Cabinetry, and many individual artists. She has also teamed up with marketing and event agencies, like MVP Collaborative, Special D Events, and 2Fly Productions to provide project management and event support.
When she's not working or smithing, she enjoys being out in nature, walking through the woods, camping, or being on a beach somewhere. Ceramics was her first love and she works in clay as much as possible and can't wait for her nephew to be old enough to introduce him to it. Family and friends mean the world to Alaina and she is so lucky to have cultivated such strong relationships with them.
Connect with Alaina and see her work on Gem Creative